Monthly Archives: May 2015
Richard Cory/Unknown Citizen
“The Unknown Citizen” and “Richard Cory” both address different point of views on the social perspective of man and the personal perspective. Robinson’s poem speaks about how a well put together man seems to the citizens and how envied he is. In reality the man is broken on the inside and envies the happy people he is around, while Auden’s poem is addressing a different point of view on a man’s character. In a real sense, Auden’s poem begins where Robinson’s ends, addressing a stranger’s view on an average man. The poem’s themes may be compared by the social rank, ironic outcomes, and inability of self aversion.
“Richard Cory” demonstrates a more royal like quality in the social life of Richard Cory whereas the unknown citizen is explained as an everyday man in the community . From the citizen’s perspective of Richard Cory “he was a gentleman from sole to crown” and in the eyes of the community “he was everything”. They put Richard Cory on a pedestal because his mask of happiness was convincing. Similarly, from a more state official perspective, every man was the same, so “JS/07/M/378” was no different. Nothing extraordinary placed this unknown citizen higher in the social rank than any other man. Just like the next person, his reactions were “normal in every way”. The man is described as a “saint” who served the “Greater Community” like anyone else who upholds to state standards. The social ranking of this man was not based on achievements or good deeds but on how he worshiped the government and followed their rules. Both men, while ranked differently, are judged on false pretenses of their true personality.
Another appearance-based tragedy is the ironic outcome of both Richard Cory and The Unknown Citizen. Both men have mixed emotions which leads to a destroyed unhappy life. Richard Cory may have “glittered when he walked” or “fluttered pulses” when he spoke, but even though he had such a positive impact on people it did not stop the broken man from “putting a bullet through his head”. Being judged for something that he was not ended his life in a serious event although after his passing it was like he never existed. Similarly, even though he was not treated like a king, the unknown citizen was forced to hide his true feelings in order to conform to society’s “Modern Man”. The official’s questions JS/07/M/378’s life, “Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd”. The unknown citizen’s life was not worth a more supreme man worrying if he was actually happy, as long as he fit in with other people, he was okay. JS/07/M/378 was recorded as someone who followed orders and ended up passing away in an unknown way. Once he was gone his files were trashed and he was just another unlucky citizen. Richard Cory and the unknown citizen, whether respected or not, died and uneventful debt trying to fit in with society.
Lastly, the inability of self-assertiveness is evident in both works. Richard Cory is compared to a king “schooled in every grace” amongst commoners who treat him as such. He is unable to correct the minds of those around him into believing he isn’t worthy of such a title, instead he keeps the act up that he is like them. On the other hand, Aden portrays in unknown citizen as a “man who was popular with his mates” and a “saint”. He wasn’t able to extract himself from the average life style of men his age and become different by becoming his own person, instead the government figures “had anything been wrong, we should certainly had heard”. Both men would have rather suffered an over glorified life or a basic life instead of showing their communities their differences.
Though the poems share the ideas of social rank, ironic outcomes, and the inability of self aversion they are still different. Robinson’s poem illustrates a man who has everything but who is deeply troubled, while Auden’s poem illustrates a man who is average and unable to make himself known. both poems are strong for trails at how effective wearing a mask on the outside is in order to hide deeper, darker feelings.
Jekyll and Hyde Movie Review
When I began watching this movie, I expected something similar yet more revealing than the book. As much as I didn’t want it to happen, I figured there would be less characters and/or new characters. I also assumed the details of the plot would be twisted. All of my expectations and theories were met.
– The ending of the movie differed greatly from the book. In my opinion, the ending of
the movie took away from Stevenson’s purpose when he wrote the book. I understood
the ending of the book, when Hyde/Jekyll dies, as the evil to be so powerful it not only controls the good but can destroy it as well, resulting in suicide. In the movie, that was not the case. The movie exhibits the good in man versus the bad and an outside power, another human being, able to destroy both.
-The overall mystery provided in the book was blown wide open in the movie’s second scene. Jeykll’s intentions had remained secret until the last chapter of the book which provided the readers a little pinch of curiosity. In the movie the same pinch was not there after the second scene. I felt like it took away the suspense of the strange case.
-Off all the unnatural desires the evil personality of Jekyll could yearn for, it was infidelity (there were a few minor ones, but this action is the one that stood out). Of course there would be some sort of romantic relationship thrown into the mix but the director’s, Victor Fleming’s, idea of Hyde’s evil doings revolved too much around desires involving the beautiful soon-to-be fiance to the pathetic show girl.
-Although the suspense was extracted from the film, the scene with Jekyll revealing his idea of good and evil possibly being able to be separated allowed the movie watchers to get a feel of the public’s idea of such an absurd concept. I believe Fleming wrote in his own opinion too.
-I liked that Fleming elaborated on the details involving Hyde’s midnight adventures, although I do not like how much Fleming focused on them. It was a nice touch to the movie and provided extra information to the watchers.
-I loved the fact that as Jekyll made more transformations into Hyde the look of the evil personality became uglier. The appearance of Hyde helped with the idea that the evil was becoming more threatening and more out of control than Jekyll would have liked. Fleming and Stevenson saw eye to eye.
-I enjoyed the first scene that Jekyll and the showgirl, Ivy, share. Without necessarily physically transforming into the totally Hyde the evil side of human nature shines through in Jekyll’s unfaithful acts right after the good side of human nature saves the girl’s life. Without involving science, this scene foreshadows the theme of the entire story; good and evil coexist.
– Although the book may have been a little over some reader’s heads, it was a great
story to read and watch come to life. Definitely worth watching again, and will be
recommended to others.
Name Poem
The name Makenna
is printed in thick black ink
on my birth certificate
It’s my official name
But no matter how many
people say it’s pretty
I dislike it with a Burning Passion
I’ve always dreamed of something
more exotic
more majestic
something that should belong to a
or at least something wacky
like Zelena, Evangeline, or Lilija
But No.
Makenna sounds like an unnatural
crossbreed equal to an aligunkey
besides it’s never on one of those
cheap keychains at a gas station
Also, my nicknames are always something strange
Mac-ina-cheese or MaCan-opener
Not Cool.
But…I’ve always wanted an
exotic, majestic, and wacky name
and Makenna is just that!
How many people have the name Makenna?
Do they spell it like mine?
I have to have my keychains specially made.
My nicknames are so original!
Makenna is a unique crossbreed
better than an aligunkey.
Ink on a piece of paper was
until I put meaning behind it
Makenna may just be a name
but it’s my name
It makes me…me
Perseverance Essay
“A ship at harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are for.” Navy computer scientist Grace Hopper once said. Similar to Hopper’s illustration, if no one took chances we wouldn’t know that the world is round, how electricity works, and we probably wouldn’t have freedom. Throwing caution into the wind is important in everyone’s life. It’s necessary to take chances in order to test personal limits and discover something new.
By stepping out of the comfort zone, tossing out the security blanket, personal limits are put to the test. To illustrate, Dani never liked let alone zip lining. The thought of falling to his death, swinging into a tree, or getting stuck in the middle was very unsettling.Dani stood on the platform, never looking down, he took a deep breath the jumped. He was soaring! By strapping into the harness of possible death, Dani took a chance and extinguished any fears he had of heights. Taking chances help rid someone of fears and helps achieve personal growth. In addition, athletes are encouraged daily to test their limits. “Add ten pounds!”,“One more mile!”, “Two more back flips!”, these are constant phrases coaches use. If Gabby Douglass, an Olympic gymnast, never pushed her limits and took a chance she would not have the honor of calling herself a sixteen year old Olympic gold medalist. From ridding one’s self of personal fears and testing limits taking chances uncovers a world of opportunity.
Taking chances provides ample number of chances for new discoveries. For example, in 1993 the famous candy bar KitKat was looking for some way to make the tasty, crunchy, chocolate snack small enough to fit inside a man’s lunch box. One day after a company meeting, a young man decides to suggest they make the bar finger size and easy to break. His bosses loved the idea, and that’s how the modern day KitKat got discovered. This man took a chance of being rejected and made a fool of in order to discover a new way to make a product. Taking chances helps discover how to make something good to something better!
Therefore, it’s important to do what we are “built” for and set sail into the stormy seas to lest limits and make new discoveries even with the possibility of failure.
Dandelion Wine and Sonnet 73
In Shakespeare’s, “Sonnet 73”, and Bradbury’s novel, Dandelion Wine, Shakespeare and Bradbury share a similar outlook on the theory of time. Whether taking to a lover or young child Shakespeare explains to love what one has been blessed with, such as youth, because in time it is gone. Bradbury shows through his novel that with time comes loss of life, memories, or once again youth in order to understand that life is not a forever blessing. Shakespeare and Bradbury both convey the same idea that time carries on and in its wake creates destruction to all generations. The authors of the novel and poem both represent the passing of time, process of aging, and the event of death.
Shakespeare and Bradbury’s view on time is that time passes and with it, carries grievances even events as minor as the changing of a season. When explaining time in the real world Shakespeare illustrates the change as “yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang” as one season to another. Time is also conveyed as life in Shakespeare’s sonnet and that “after sunset fadeth in the west” too much time has slipped through the human fingertips, “whereon it must expire” to show to what extent time is or is not cherished on earth. Similarly, Bradbury explains the perception of time depends on longevity, whether one is a child like Douglass who believes that time is infinitely on his own schedule, or an elder who has accepted the idea that “saving cocoons” and “corsets in a way, you can never fit again” are only landmarks that what was in the past is exactly that, in the past, and never to return. As Shakespeare expresses his view that young ones must accept the fact that time brings them closer to another year or again and the cycle continues. Therefore both authors write a similar point of view on time through different generations and perspectives.
The authors opinions regarding the process of aging is very similar and is either resolved with love or an epiphany. In “Sonnet 73” Shakespeare has his mind set on convincing his love that aging is an inevitable process and that with life comes the warning of death and with the warning of death comes life. For example, aging is illustrated as “the glowing of such fire” where “the ashes of youth doth lie”. Aging is a process that affects everyone’s glowing fire inside of them, which in time, will burn out. Therefore, we are to “love that well, which thou must leave ere long” and embrace adulthood or face the inevitable, death. Similarly, Bradbury explains aging through the eyes of the elderly Helen Loomis when he illustrates that “the dragon ate the white swan, I haven’t seen her in ages.” The beauty of a young life will soon be consumed by the older years, turning oneself into a “scaly beast”, further demonstrating that the beautiful and loved will transform into the ugly and hated. Likewise, age is “consumed with that which is was nourished by”. Shakespeare and Bradbury’s understanding of aging leading to the ultimate price of life is resolved with love of the upcoming years or understanding the inevitable.
Shakespeare and Bradbury convey the process of death as passing on to another life which offers a measure of hope. “Sonnet 73” represents death as a two step process. First there must be a death by realization that the time of child’s play is over and stepping into adulthood, and “death’s second self” is the event of physical death by entering the awaiting grave “that seals up all in rest”. Similarly, Bradbury sets the scene in a room where all kids and adults are grieving over their dying grandmother. Even on her death bed she is convinced that she will not truly die, “a thousand years from now a whole township of my offspring will be eating sour apples in the gum wood shade.” Grandma, similar to Shakespeare, believes she will live through future generations until forgotten, and that will be “death’s second self”. Furthermore, Grandma relaxes the minds of loved ones that “no person ever really dies that had a family”, concluding that she will only die once. Therefore, both authors present the idea that death, whether religiously, spiritually, or physically the process of death is passing onto another life.
Shakespeare and Bradbury’s sensitivity to the themes of time, aging, and death resemble each other in many ways explaining their vivid perspective about their life and warning young readers about their undeniable future.
Career Essay
November 4, 2014
People have told me I could grow up to achieve any dream I want because I have great ambition, but as I’ve grown up my hobbies have varied between many activities. I’ve always had a vast imagination and an exceptional talent for coming up with ideas on the spot; I’ve always been a great listener, and I have a soft spot for children. Keeping all that in mind, for a future occupation I would have to choose between a psychiatrist, an author/editor, or a NICU nurse.
Criteria | Psychiatrist | Author/Editor | NICU Nurse |
Salary | Lowest income: $69,800/$220,942
Highest income: $187,200/$369,233 |
Lowest income:
$29,300/$55,940 Highest income: $106,200 |
Lowest income:
$31,800 Highest income: $58,000 |
Schedule | If you are self employed you create your own schedule | most writers set their own hours, particularly in the morning. | It can vary: days, nights, weekends, weekdays. |
Talents you should possess | oral comprehension and expression
written comprehension and expression problem sensitivity |
hard worker, active reader, imaginative, passionate, patient | multi tasking, customer service, project management, critical thinking, decision making, team work, people skills |
Future Prospects | rural areas have a lot of opportunity | most companies are looking for freelance writers | the market for nurses is strong and will most likely stay strong |
Home : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2014, from
Obviously due to the salary, a nurse would be the dream job to help with stability and build a life. A new incoming nurse would start at $31,800, unlike a head nurse who receives $58,000. The schedule depends on what I volunteer to work. I can work days, nights, weekends, or week days with three days off between shifts. The main ability I need to have is people skills. If I possess that, teamwork and customer service, like helping with the patient and families, should be easy. Mostly urban areas are in desperate need for nurses so, according to RN Donna Cardillo, the chance of finding a job are very broad. All in all the medical field seems to be the most ideal path to choose when looking forward to a future life.
By examining the chart further, based on salary, flexibility, and job opportunities psychiatry in a near perfect job. The presant salary for a new psychiatrist is $69,800 or $220,942, the highest is $187,200 or $395,233. The best aspect about being a psychiatrist is if I’m self employed I can create my own schedule. Some of the top abilities needed are oral comprehension and expression, written comprehension and expression, and problem sensitivity, which I have experienced with friends of my own. As for any future jobs, I can easily work from home or open my open building in rural areas that are in desperate need for psychiatrist. Now, psychiatry out shines nursing due to its flexibility and yearly income.
The most enjoyable job to me would be an author/editor and be able to wrap myself in my own fantasies or someone else’s. The lowest amount of money an editor can make ranges from $29,300 to $55,940 while the more advanced editors would accumulate around $106,200. The schedule for authors, depending on what kind of writer I choose to be can be very flexible,such as a freelance writer. For editors, the schedule is pretty flexible since it is possible to work from home. It can be on your own terms. Passion, imagination, hard worker, and active reader are some of the skills I will need to have. From studies in 2012 publishing houses are looking for more freelance writers but only a minimal number of editors. Overall, this job is harder to start and accelerate in, but based on my previous and present hobbies this one would be the top pick.
Most all my free time is dedicated to writing and reading. I wouldn’t be able to count all my stories on two hands or the amount of books I read. My family and friends have encouraged me, on more than one occasion, to try and publish one of my stories. Even as a child I could easily create any character in any situation and tell you the whole story in full detail. I find inspiration in the simplest pictures, words, experiences and end up turning it into an extravagant and complex fictional story.
One of the best advantages about being a writer or editor is the traveling. I’ll have to travel to experiences new adventures or travel to meet with a client. This job does not force me to be in an office from sun up to sundown. I can always work from home and make time for family. Some of the worst details in this industry is that it is very competitive. There are also many critics worldwide whether they are professional or amateur like you and I. When weighing the pros and cons of this business, the pros override the cons because it exposes me to a new world and gets you out of your comfort zone.
Most people can-not keep afloat in the writing business, and I’m not saying I would either. Reading has always been a love of mine as well as writing and entertaining people with my thoughts. I’ve always thought of these passions as nothing, but now I know it is possible to put them into effect and touch the hearts of many.