With the new year just around the corner, some of the students already start thinking about their new year resolutions while others oppose the idea altogether.
“[A resolution means] to change something and make it better,” sophomore Austin Denfeld said when asked what a resolution means to him.
To many people, a resolution means different things. Overall, a New Years resolution is changing something about yourself, whether it is academically or personally, such as eating healthier, taking better care of your skin, or aiming to be a C+ student.
“[My resolutions are] to go to the gym, make all state choir, [and] learn to play the violin,” junior Paige Bagley said.
Bagley sets her sights on reasonable personal goals while others think of impossible abstract resolutions.
“Obviously my resolution is to wrestle an alligator,” freshman Sydney Simpson said.
Even though some people take resolutions seriously, others do not see a point in them at all. Some students never make the resolutions or have stopped making them due to previous failures.
“I think they’re stupid,” freshman Kevin Andrews said. “I don’t think people should try to stop doing what they don’t want to [stop doing]”
Many people form their own opinions on resolutions as to whether they are a good thing or a bad thing. Students that experienced failure agree with the latter.
“Resolutions aren’t always a good idea,” senior Taylor Todd said. “They cause [you] to set yourself up for goals that don’t always happen.”
After all resolutions are about trying something new, and accomplishing goals in order to make yourself better, whether it’s making it to the dream college or making it to the next grade.
“My resolution is to start off on a clean slate,” Todd said.