Foods with 9 Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins, which are necessary for the body to repair and maintain muscles, bones, body organs and blood.

The 9 Amino Acids are:


  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

The best foods to find Amino Acids are:

Lean meat – such as red meat.

Poultry/seafood – salmon, pork, turkey, cod, tuna, chicken

Eggs and dairy – most types of cheese, yogurt, big eggs, egg whites

Plant based protein sources – quinoa, tofu, soybeans, beans, nuts, seeds


Skeletal Nutrition Assignment

Added sugar is a disaster, it can cause diseases and even kill people. Omega 3 fats are crucial, for example DHA. Most people don’t get enough.

Adults need 15 mcg of vitamin D a day. Foods that contain vitamin D include dairy, eggs, fatty fish such as salmon or tuna, and fortified orange juice and cereal. The sun triggers vitamin D synthesis as well.  It’s important to avoid vitamin D deficiency because it functions as a steroid hormone for the body.

Professional surgeons recommends that men and women, especially over 40 years old, get at least 1,000 mg of calcium a day. Milk, cheese and other dairy products contain calcium. Broccoli, kale, sardines, salmon, Brazil nuts, almonds, oranges and calcium-fortified foods are popular sources of calcium too.

You want to avoid smoking and drinking, it only weakens the bones and helps cause osteoporosis.

Some healing foods for the skeletal system are: Swiss chard, mustard greens, soy, soybeans, prunes, and sardines. Some healing herbs are: alfalfa, red raspberry, and horsetail.

High-protein diets are often recommended for adolescent and child athletes undergoing rigorous training.